2 min read

Justice Haze's 7 Year Itch Anniversary!

We could not be happier that Justice chose PEP 7 years ago, & we're confident you agree: we want so much Justice, we'll beg for more & more years ...
Justice Haze's 7 Year Itch Anniversary!
Photo by Maciej Pienczewski / Unsplash
Can you cum seven times for her?

May 2017 marked Justice Haze's arrival at PEP, & callers soon fell in love w/ her richly-detailed approach to fantasy exploration.

Mistress Justice is obviously one with the universe in Her understanding of the weaknesses inherent in all special sissies. From being a mere size queen, Goddess Justice morphed me into Her addicted, horse cock craving fuck pig, merely by the sound of Her siren's voice. Proceed at your own risk with this One, the force is strong in Her ... —PEP Lover

Justice pushed and prodded me and really put me the wringer. In her “cum til you die” scenario, I orgasmed four times in an hour, which I never thought I could do, [and] have never done before. I'm worn out! Extremely taxing, but rewarding! Thank you Justice!! —PEP Lover

We want YOU to feel welcome to celebrate Justice's 7 Year Itch Anniversary OFTEN thru May 31st. Get a quickie w/ her $79/ 30-min special, then indulge in an hour or more, with each one $20 off at $109!

Check out her NEWEST short essay, The Smell of Kink: Lust and Adrenaline. While you're perusing her PEP Portfolio, do read her Letter to Callers*. She wrote it about six years ago, & every word still rings true. Justice's hard core kink for power exchange, mind that refuses to be limited by the straight & narrow, & lifelong interest in edgy sex come together to make your fantasies feel more deeply realized in calls. She does NOT bullshit, and she DOES tell incredible, fantastic stories.

I'm not here to blow smoke up anyone's ass. PEP is all about real people and real connections, and I do my best to honor that commitment. - Justice

We could not be happier that Justice chose PEP 7 years ago, & we're confident you agree: we want so much Justice, we'll beg for more & more years ...

Do call & congratulate Justice, PEP Lover - everyone deserves it! xo

Yes, she wants you to think about cutting THAT, too - xo

*Justice was the very first PEP Lady, ever, to pen a "letter to current and prospective callers." She popped hers onto her FetLife in late 2017 or so, and we fell in love with the idea. Now, all of our Ladies write down what they want you to know, first and foremost, in their own language, which us PEP Execs lightly edit, at most. Justice comes up with a lot of the very cool prompts we use all around PEP, to create material that will pique & keep & heighten your interest & sense of connection.