4 min read

The Long Goodbye Is the Sweetest

"I encourage you to call a new-to-you Lady this Fall/ Winter. Experiment! If I taught you anything, it was to not hold back, & to enjoy your sexuality."
The Long Goodbye Is the Sweetest
Photo by Jonny Gios / Unsplash
A kiss is more than a kiss when it comes from Sera Miles - xo 

THE DAY is nearly here - the last day Sera Miles will take calls: Oct 1, 2023. Being "ready" seems impossible, but Sera has answered some PEP Lover questions, to best prepare you ...

Q: When will you take your last call?

A: I'll book my last 30 min call no later than 11:15pm Mountain Time on Sunday, Oct 1st. If you'd like a longer call, please call no later than 10pm MT. And, if you want to be SURE to be my very last call (you never forget your last!), book a VIP Reservation & secure it.

Q: How will I talk to you, Sera?!

A: Well, the short answer is ... you won't. My PEP phone number will be turned off. And Nina Rose will be your Executive Liaison, handling any questions you have, from Lady recommendations to setting up special billing practices. I know she will take superb care of you, PEP Lover! Of note, a longtime loyal caller rang the LoveLine yesterday, & he was thrilled to learn that Nina would be PEP's new point person. I know you will be, too.

We got you <3 

You will be able to follow me on social media, & you might catch me teaching a class via my new company, BECS.

Some of you have asked to be on the List for when I create my own newsletter. I welcome all of you to get on that waitlist! Message me with your email at seramiles at gmail dot com, & consider it done!

Q: What're you doing next, Miss Sera?

A: I'm so glad you asked! For the bulk of October, I'll be celebrating the amazing 21 years I had with you all! Think tequila shots, delicious dinners, spa days (yes, including pedicures!), art galleries, sleeping in, & luxurious lunches.

Cum November, I'll try to settle down - as much as a party diva like me can, & I'll be building my new company, BECS, & writing poems. At PEP, I'll be focused on hiring new talent. And for 2024, I've got plans for the Soft Corners Studio Centre - a place for workshops on everything from polyamory to writing to painting, a place for women in business to convene, a place for the Leather community & experimental theatre, & more ...

In other words: stay. tuned. And do follow me on social media, and do join my email list (coming soon).

Q: Will you EVER do calls again?

A: Probably. But no promises. And no promises on timing - which is why you should go for it this weekend & book with me while you can.

Q: I'd like to send you a retirement gift and/or tribute. What's the best way to get that to you, Ms Sera?

A: PEP Lover, that is so kind & thoughtful! If you'd like to send tribute for my spa & tequila adventures, I can take CashApp at $SeraMiles, or Venmo at $Sera-Miles. You can always send a gift of any kind to: PEP PO Box 11751 Albuquerque, NM  87192. If you're not sure what to send, check out my WishList.

And please know: I deeply appreciate all gifts & tributes, as I know they mean you were thinking of me, & wanted to show me <3.

She's walking away from the phone, but you DO get a long look at that backside ...

Q: What will you miss most?

A: I will miss most the incredible fantasy worlds I created for & with so many of you. I've idly wondered what will happen to our castles in the sky. Will they wait for us to return? Will you share yours with another PEP Lady? Will you continue to visit our secret places? Know that I invented those fantasy realms for you & I want you to visit them whenever you need to, & I want you to share them as doing so feels comfortable.

Q: Will you still own PEP?

A: Yes, PEP Lover, I will still own PEP & run much of our operations. And you will be in great hands with our Dream Team - remember, I hired every Lady at PEP. I know how talented, savvy, & compassionate they all are. I encourage you to call a new-to-you Lady this Fall/ Winter. Experiment! If I taught you anything, it was to not hold back, & to enjoy your sexuality.

Sera in 2002, at her first PEP Photo Shoot - what an incredible 21 years! 

Got another pressing question for Sera? Comment here, and call her ASAP, PEP Lover. You deserve it.