Emily Lane

Summer Falls into Autumn ...

Summer Falls into Autumn ...

Thank you, PEP Callers, PEP Sexters, PEP Lovers, for choosing us over & over again.
4 min read
HELLO 2024! What're YOU up for? ;)

HELLO 2024! What're YOU up for? ;)

2024 is gonna see a trio of Guest Stars (and yes, with intentions to join the team of Leading Ladies), mouth-watering new content from every PEP Lady, and our hot new site growing in items to watch, hear, and read. Ready? xo
2 min read
Deck the Balls

Deck the Balls

We want you to breathe in the joy of unfettered, real attention, of being heard and celebrated, of having a safe place to explore your fantasies, memories, and desires. We keep it real at PEP, because we couldn't do it any other way.
4 min read
The Best Place to Find Us ...

The Best Place to Find Us ...

Real talk, PEP Lovers, we're not sure how long we'll be on any social networking sites, and we're always worried that one day, censorship will mean we get kicked out.
2 min read
Memory Lane ...

Memory Lane ...

So many PEP Callers confided to us that talking with Emily felt at once as comfortable as sliding into their favorite recliner and as exciting as diving from a high cliff into the ocean! "I have just NEVER had a conversation like that before in my life," one devoted PEP Caller told us.
2 min read
More Changes? Yes. Cumming slowly tho ...

More Changes? Yes. Cumming slowly tho ...

At the PEP Studio, we're cooking up some serious changes, but all good things cum in time. In fact, slow, steady development almost infallibly wins the race. That's why we don't rush at PEP ...
3 min read