4 min read

Isis in the Sunlight, and Shadow in the Spotlight by Kristyna Dark (2)

Think about how you move when you slip into that favorite outfit and slide the heels onto your feet. Do you glide easily, or are you unsure of your movements? When you slip those heels on again I want you to close your eyes and think about a large panther.
Isis in the Sunlight, and Shadow in the Spotlight by Kristyna Dark (2)
Photo by Rajit Galaiya / Unsplash

Part Two

(Did you catch Part One? Click here!)

Over the years I have learned to tap into these very different parts of my own personality. When I desperately need some sort of calm in life, I can tap into Isis. I don’t need the ears and paws to allow myself a moment of peace, that little bit of “cat” selfishness to say, “No, I need some me time.” Shadow gives me my courage and the gentle nudge of her soft nose when I feel myself faltering. She is the bravery that allowed me to enter the realm of Fetish modeling.

I believe that we all have these different parts to our personalities but often ignore them. When we breathe life into them and name them for whom they are, we give ourselves permission to really live. These parts are created in our childhoods, live within us as adults, but get abandoned, rejected, and put away. I implore you to let your inner creature free. Sit quietly and let it speak to you; trust me, if you listen, it will. Whether you are a puppy, kitten, pony, or something altogether different, let it speak to you. I can promise that you will be amazed by how your life will change, how your way of thinking will be altered. Run through an open field at full gallop and whinny at the top of your lungs and tell me that you didn’t feel freer than you ever have. Allow yourself the chance to be silly and not worry about anything other than the moment you are in. Let your mind relax and be released from the day to day. I guarantee you will not regret it. Join me in the sunspot, I’ll share ... purrrrrrrrrrrr …

Discover more parts of yourself when you talk with Kristyna.

Wait, are you still here? Oh, I see, not sure if you really have an animal identity as part of your personality? Well, why don’t we talk about it and find out. We have talked about your feminine side, oh yes we have. Think about how a cat moves. Seriously, humor me for a moment. Think about how it moves with graceful ease. How it often looks as if it is simply gliding across the floor, every muscle controlled and sleek. Now think about how you move when you slip into that favorite outfit and slide the heels onto your feet. Do you glide easily, or are you unsure of your movements? When you slip those heels on again I want you to close your eyes and think about a large panther. Not all animal spirits are domesticated, so stop grumping at me. Close your eyes and think of how a panther moves. Every step has purpose yet each one is elegant, one paw in front of the other as it glides through the jungle. Picture the power in the back legs as it is about to pounce. Put that same energy in your steps as you move across the floor. Confident, graceful, beautiful. Practice this and then tell me that I am crazy.

I want us to explore the different aspects of animals. Tell me, are you an introvert that secretly wishes they had a more outgoing nature? Or, are you the type that tends to keep their emotions bottled up, and you want to learn how to show affection and receive it in return? Think about your average puppy, whether pure bred or mixed. They are happy and bouncy and want nothing more than to receive the love of their human. Or maybe you see yourself wanting to be the protector of those you love. Dogs in general are loyal and protective, often fiercely so.

We don’t always have to don the trappings of our inner animal, but it is so much more fun when we do. Seriously though, sometimes we simply need to hold them in our minds and hearts; keep them close to call upon when we need them. Think of them as your silent partner waiting in the wings to be called to the stage. They don’t always need to take center, but they are there to back us up and will never leave us hanging, waiting eternally, or abandoned.

If you have never really contemplated this part of the kink world, won’t you, at least for a moment, have a conversation with yourself and then with me? Let’s see how much more you can be and how much more fulfilled you might find yourself. After all, what do you really have to lose? You might surprise yourself … just like I did.

Isn't it time you horsed around with Kristyna? Are you a pony? A handler? Another wonderful creature that runs freely ...?

Psst - remember! Now thru Nov 1st, book $100/ 60-min w/ Kristyna, in celebration of her October Spotlight at PEP! What perfect timing for YOU to explore getting dressed up like the animal you most relate to ... OR to figure OUT how pet play might transform YOUR life! And so much more - xo