2 min read

Memory Lane ...

So many PEP Callers confided to us that talking with Emily felt at once as comfortable as sliding into their favorite recliner and as exciting as diving from a high cliff into the ocean! "I have just NEVER had a conversation like that before in my life," one devoted PEP Caller told us.
Memory Lane ...
Your Executive Liaison stays cool no matter how many try to get her attention ;)

One of our favorite parts of the client/ Lady dynamic is how deeply private and rich conversations and fantasy worlds can become. One new-to-you quick convo can lead to years of long calls, of sharing desires, memories, orgasms ...

We know many of you have deep, intimate memories of your conversations with Emily Lane. Emily's in our Hall of Fame, as our top earning PEP Lady in 2015, 2016, and 2017! So many PEP Callers confided to us that talking with Emily felt at once as comfortable as sliding into their favorite recliner and as exciting as diving from a high cliff into the ocean! "I have just NEVER had a conversation like that before in my life," one devoted PEP Caller told us.

Horny Housewife meets sensual mommy domme meets lifelong pervert in Emily Lane <3

If you know, you know, and you've probably called Emily already. If you haven't ... now you know. She's guest starring thru Fall of 2023; she's highly available on Sunday and Mondays. Other days, you can take your chances to see if she's on, or you can reach out Emily and book a VIP Reservation for the time and date that works just right for you. We encourage you to make reservations and call often while Emily's guest starring!

We're so fortunate at PEP to have our top tier Ladies return for guest spots. Win-win-WIN. The Lady wins. PEP wins. And most of all, PEP Lover, you win - new memories. Hot experiences. Delicious connections.

Emily was simply wonderful on all levels. I felt so comfortable being vulnerable to her. She was so sweet, caring, and able to appreciate and anticipate the depth of what I couldn't put into words. Certainly patient and very deep thinking, she is truly a Goddess! - PEP Caller

Read more of Emily's Rave Reviews, and make your call. Nothing lasts forever - except for what you place on your own memory (Emily) Lane. -xo-

You could be on the other end of that phone line ...