2 min read

From My CEO Desk

Oct 1, 2023: the last day that I will take PEP calls … I am touched by your willingness to share …
From My CEO Desk

Aug 2, 2001: my first day in the sex industry, as a spanking fetish video starlet

Sept 13, 2002: the day I took my very first PEP call

December 8, 2015: the day I became PEP’s owner; the day I incorporated as Sera Miles & Beyond, Inc.

Oct 1, 2023: the last day that I will take PEP calls

I will be retiring from the position of Lady of PEP, but trust: I will still run PEP. Own PEP. Joyously work w/ our Ladies & ensure you have scintillating conversations, erotic adventures of the mind, & beyond.

I hope you will call me between now and Oct 1, 2023, even for a short call to say good-bye. On that note, I’m offering a $79/ 20-min call for this final year (only avail w/ me).

I am so grateful for ALL the incredible experiences I’ve had on the phone. Always, I am touched by your willingness to share w/ me your most tender parts, memories, & desires. I treasure your secrets & trust. In media interviews, folks often ask me if I think phone sex will die out. Resolutely, I always answer no. You & I & the Ladies of PEP know why: no other medium offers the intimacy & privacy of phone sex. No other type of erotic encounter allows for such a deep level of discretion, while also encouraging the participants to engage w/ utter authenticity. On the phone, you can be anyone. My favorite calls allow me to meet the “in the world” and “on paper” you, then get to know the private, secret you. Most of us carry duality or multiplicity. We contain multitudes. We are parents, employees, educators, lovers, friends, uncles, grandmothers, community members, & so much more. Many of us are also Dommes, slaves, foot fetishists, spankos, bondage aficionados, puppies, & so much more. In phone sex, you can be all the parts of you, or only the parts you want to share, to have beheld & regarded. Thank you for letting me into your private worlds, for letting me behold you, regard you, show you what it is to be accepted sans judgment, to experience intimacy & be vulnerable w/o fear of recrimination. May you continue to reach out for what it is you need & desire. May you fully accept & love yourself. I know you deserve to live shame-free, whole, & loved.

Let’s make my last year one for the BOOKS! Call me. You need it.

Sera Miles—Phone Girl,

Fetish Video

Starlet, Poet, Friend, CEO, Mommy Domme, Mistress,


& so much more