Ami Mercury Made YOU a Present ...
PEP Lovers! Our Spotlight has shined on Ami Mercury during December for quite a few years now, but this year, she made you something extra special. We are BEYOND excited to unveil ...
Ami's NEWEST COMIC, made for her PEP Lovers! Hint: this comic MAY make you FEEL things ... go w/ it. And call Ami to go farther w/ those delicious feelings!
Ami LOVES that fantasy allows us to do just that: fantasize. Go anywhere. Earlier this year, she wrote a special essay on the magic of Make-Believe. For her Spotlight, she wanted to do something more deliciously interactive for her PEP Lovers. We are THRILLED to share this special gift w/ you!
NOW thru Dec 20th, book $94/45min w/ Ami OFTEN. Take the fantasy ride you need! Tell Ami YOUR transformation ideas. She'd LOVE to help you feel like the creature, slut, vampire, werewolf ...
Wish you were a living doll? A swamp creature? A mild mannered man by day but HULK when you get ANGRY? Tell Ami ALL about it!
In Ami's World, the Weird Belong. If you got that magic dice, what would you want to roll for ...?
Go to the future, to alternate realms, or even back in time w/ Ami ...
Ami is so good at regressing me to the point that I lose all thought of feeling like an adult and she is immaculate in following thru with my scenarios which is very rare in my experience. I love PEP and don’t know what I would have done if I had never found them so long ago. —PEP Lover
The dice are yours now, PEP Lover. Roll. Call. Repeat. Enjoy Ami Mercury's December Spotlight - #YouDeserveIt!
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